
Summer and the knitting are easy and so is the website

Published by Cathryn Bothe on Jul 26th 2019

It has been hot here in Wisconsin but finally we are back to normal summer temperatures. People are flocking to our beautiful lake front and are so happy to be able to be out and enjoying these precious days.


Here at Signature we are pleased to be able to have a fantastic new website. Finally, it works easily for knitters who want to order on their phones!It was hard for me to believe so many shop now on the phone but the numbers have proved me totally wrong. Please take a look and let us know what you think.

No matter what the weather knitting is still going on. I was working on a cashmere scarf for a person who has gone way above and beyond to help me with a medical issue. I did recognize the irony of “feels like” temperatures of over 100 degrees while finishing with a yarn that is so warm.

I know many of you follow the “Yarn Harlot” Stephanie Pearl McPhee and her frequent telling of a story in her knitting-especially for babies. My scarf also tells a story of a person who is a real gem depicted in the diamonds.

My current project is a baby sweater for the new little daughter of a co-worker. She may not appreciate the fact that I am using the last of my perfect baby yarn:Mission Falls Cotton which is now discontinued. I have a friend who also had a stash and is mourning the shrinking of the pile. I bet many of you hate it when something you love is discontinued. As I get older when I find something I like I always ask myself how much I should put in stock just in case they discontinue or go out of business.

Enjoy the summer because the days of the Polar Vortex are coming.