Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Published by Cathy Bothe on Jun 9th 2023

It is that time of year again when we celebrate the birth of Signature Needle Arts. It is easy to forget all the things that have happened and all the wonderful people we have met over the years. I was reminded recently of the early days when we asked people to go to all stores in their area to look for size 7 needles so we could see what was in the market. We all agreed that somewhere in some big company they were wondering why so many of that size were selling.

Seeing so many of you at shows and missing you during Covid was a real low time for sure. Learning about what a wonderful wide range of customers we have has been amazing!

Just today as I write this there is a group visiting Bothe Associates from a company that makes huge things like water plant equipment. They stopped to look at the map in the hallway with pins in every country where needles have gone (62 at last count} and the gasps of astonishment at how far our needles have gone warmed my heart.

So, Happy Birthday to Signature. We will be having some special surprises we hope you will enjoy! Just watch the site or your email or however you find us.